Our software solutions equal better service for your members.
Through expert consultation and software ingenuity, Trust Data Solutions provide credit unions the resources to streamline processes, cut costs, improve efficiency and provide better member service. Trust Data Solutions offers hosted, packaged, and custom software solutions that do not require substantial investment to implement. Whether you are seeking a simple Symitar RepGen, or a complex solution to integrate a custom or third party application, Trust Data Solutions will provide your credit union with the expertise you need.

Trust Data Solutions introduces Office Reporting Business Engine (ORBE)™, a new integrated suite of hosted applications. These Software as a Service (SaaS) applications are built around a core Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System providing real cost savings through integration, automation, hosting, and data aggregation.
Job File Scheduler™
Automate Tasks, Increase Productivity. Job File Scheduler™ is a fully-functional automation program that minimizes redundant daily tasks and frees the IT department to work on more pressing issues.

eAlerts! Email Notification System provides members with real-time notification, via email, as important account events occur. eAlerts! can reduce call center demand and accelerate fraud detection.

Xperience™ is a hosted online Survey, Polling, Assessment, Training and Testing System built around an integrated Customer Relationship Manager (CRM).